
Showing posts from March, 2010

2010 Living Library at Moscrop!

Now referred to as the Human Library this was Moscrop's second annual event of this nature. Huge thankyous to all the volunteers who made this day an intriguing success for our students. Close to 400 students visited the library today with open minds and keen interest,to check out 27 volunteers from diverse walks of life. Guest "books" included the titles: MLA/Politician; Black Woman/Survivor of Breast Cancer; Gay Law Student/Farmer/Figure Skater; Ex-Gang Member/Severely Bullied as a Student;Interior Decorator from West Vancouver; Afro-American/Actor; and many more! These guest volunteers reported that our students were wonderful individuals with many thoughtful questions. Please feel free to post your comments. 

Rives on the Internet

Jay Walker's library of human imagination | Video on

Check out Jay Walker's "Imagination Library"! Jay Walker's library of human imagination | Video on

Amy Tan on creativity | Video on

Amy Tan tells us that a key to creativity lies in the act of questioning. View this TED talk and post your comments. Amy Tan on creativity | Video on