Are You Normal?
Pre writing assignment for Ken Kesey's One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
Normal: -adj. 1. conforming to a standard; regular, usual, typical. 2. to flee from mental or emotional disorder. 3. Geom. (of a line) at right angles, temperature etc. [Latin normalis: related to norm]
- Oxford Dictionary
What is normal? Should everyone be normal? Who gets to decide what is normal and what is not? Why? Is there a purpose to opposing the construct of normal? You are invited to post comments that reflect on the idea of normal.
Normal: -adj. 1. conforming to a standard; regular, usual, typical. 2. to flee from mental or emotional disorder. 3. Geom. (of a line) at right angles, temperature etc. [Latin normalis: related to norm]
- Oxford Dictionary
What is normal? Should everyone be normal? Who gets to decide what is normal and what is not? Why? Is there a purpose to opposing the construct of normal? You are invited to post comments that reflect on the idea of normal.
- Garvin
Normal is something very paradoxical. (I think it is a bandwagon effect)
I do think everyone should be normal. (But they should be unique, too. If everyone is unique, then it is normal.)
Individuals with a strong mind, get to decide what is normal and what is not for themselves or society. In contrast to individuals who posses easy-pressured and weak mind who are doomed to become the follower of the trend.
I do not see the purpose to opposing the construct of normal, because trends are constantly changing. (If everyone is strange, then it is normal.)
No one is normal. Every indivisual has a type of flaw that makes different from one another.
I think people should act like themselves rather than trying to be like everyone else.
However, people tend to be afraid to stand out and just try to be "normal" like everyone else.
The society will be too boring if there are only 'normal' people and evenmore, the word, normal will not be the same meaning as what it means in the present.
There are quite different types of 'being normal'. If I were to think generally about being normal, yes, we all have to be normal.
However, since everyone has born with different identities, appearance, characteristics, names, and etc, they are considered to be unique and more precious.
I believe meanings of normal changes as time passes. The world has been accepting lots of new ideas, different views, different people and etc. I think many people now accept better than the past. The domain of being normal has been swollen as people understand better.
(ex, homosexualities and handdicapped people)
Overall, I think if you are in a group, you get to be a normal person in order to be a part of the group members. However, you should keep who you are and something that makes you special. you gotta be different and be interesting.
so what happens when you introduce different cultures, different traditions, ethnicities, heck, even different ages. 16 year olds don't act like 20 year olds. 20 year olds down act like 45 year olds, and so on.
There are so many things that make people different that there is only one thing that makes them the same, that common difference.
Why isint it considered abnormal trying to be normal, when we are all so different to begin with?
But think in this way, if most people in our society who are a bit insane, then the "normal" people (only a few people) are not normal at all to the majority's opinion. The "normal" people become strange.
We can also be ourselves while we are normal, unless we do something that's too odd to be accepted.
"no snowflake in a avalance ever feels responsble"