For Contemplation


Unknown said…
ya-its good to tell ppl that it hurtful 4 gay ppl when ppl say "that's so gay" for something they dont lyk! i have gay friends and it's hurtful when ppl say that. im not gay but im rlly tall! so ppl say "man, ur abnormal cause u dont belong in earth cuase ur way too tall!" it rlly hurtful when others might think its a compliment! no! for any situation! ppl need to think more about what they say. ppl THINK BEFORE U SPEAK! WE CAN THINK OF THINGS ABOUT EVERYONE THAT EVERYONE HAS A DIFFERNT PERSECPTIVE ABOUT! SO KNOCK IT OFF!
this video was rlly good! good learning lesson! and i like the hilary duff's commercial too for "the that's so gay compain"! now doesnt others agrre with me? anyone else had a experinece like this like me too?

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